Interview of Risto-Matti Marin in Pianist Magazine

Risto-Matti Marin’s interview by Eric Schoones is going to be published in Pianistmagazine (Netherlands & Germany) in the March 2021 issue. Schoones is the editor-in-chief of Pianist as well as a pedagogue and pianist himself. Schoones has recently published the book Walking up the Mountain Track – The Zen Way to Enlightened Musicianship.


The English version of the interwiev will be published:

A new project – Finnish Bach transcriptions

Concert transcriptions of Bach’s music were hugely popular in the late 19th and early 20th Century. In his new project Marin will shed light on Finnish Bach transcriptions, made by Karl Ekman, Ilmari Hannikainen, Erkki Melartin and Taneli Kuusisto. Ekman and Hannikainen had a direct link to the great Bach transcriber’s tradition through their teachers, Ferruccio Busoni and Alexander Siloti. Concerts for fall 2021 / spring 2022 will be announced later. Also, a compilation of sheet music will be published by Edition Fennica Gehrman.