Aug 8, 2013
Samtliga texturmässiga knepigheter (löses) utan några som helst problem av Risto-Matti Marin, som får till och med de mest horribelt krångligt avfattande passagerna låta som världens mest naturliga sak medan focus hela tiden ligger på den klangmässiga och, inte minst I den här repertoaren så centrala, dramaturgiska aspekterna.
Mats Liljeroos, Hufvudstadsbladet 8/2013
Nov 24, 2011
Stradal’s transcriptions are both scrupulously accurate and strutted in vaulting virtuoso demands to carry over, with the fullest possible effect, the symphonic grandeurs of the originals and put them in the hands of pianists equal to them. Risto-Matti Marin is such a pianist. One marvels at the stamina that can keep such a plethora of detail in place with such relentless élan; at his narrative shaping, which can turn up an already withering heat, so to speak, at climactic moments; at his overarching persuasiveness.
Adrian Corleonis, Fanfare, Nov–Dec 2011
Oct 21, 2010
This is a fantastic performance: The slower sections are beautifully played, the more stormy and virtuosic sections are taken at a tremendous pace and the whole piece holds together. I can’t imagine a better performance of this [Die Ideale] piece in this transcription. I would award this accolade to the other pieces on the disc as well.
Liszt Society Review 21, 2010
Jul 7, 2010
August Stradalin laatimat Lisztin orkesterirunoelmien sovitukset ovat ällistyttäviä näytteitä Marinin osaamisesta. Tuttu Preludit kuulostaa taas mielenkiintoiselta, harvinainen Heroïde funèbre on matalan rekisterin ja uljaiden sointuvyörytysten tehoissaan suuren pianismin juhlaa. Ihmeen ehjästi Marin saa välitetyksi mitassaan ja tunnelmissaan haastavan Die Idealen.
Veijo Murtomäki, Helsingin Sanomat, 7.7.2010
Jun 10, 2010
This is the first Stradal-Liszt cycle. I expected it to be a curiosity only. In fact it is much better especially in the hands of Risto-Matti Marin… Marin is in splendid form throughout […] …this adds a munificent chapter to Liszt’s complete solo piano works to place alongside the major cycles by Leslie Howard and Gunnar Johansen. Toccata continue to challenge the listener who complains of the companies’ failure to move away from crossover and the common repertoire rut. More please
Rob Barnett,, 10.6.2010