If you like and enjoy the Bach, Chopin, and Debussy Preludes, appreciate the similarities and differences among them, and admire the tradition of the form itself and enjoy hearing what different composers do with it, you will likely also enjoy and like all of these.

Marvin J. Ward, 27.12.2012

Yle, 3.11.2011

Kuten asiaan kuuluuu, Whittallin teos kunnioittaa soolopianoteosten perinnettä. Vaikutteet rönsyilevät Chopinistä impressionistien kautta Reichin minimalismiin. Whittallin oma ääni kuitenkin erottuu selvästi. Hän rakastaa modernismin parhaita paloja muttei pelkää romanttista paatosta; hän leikittelee pop-estetiikalla mutta janoaa syvällisyyttä. Whittall painottaa sointivärejä ja atmosfäärejä, ja siksi pianopreludi on hänelle erittäin sopiva ilmaisumuoto. Tuoreen kuuloinen sointimagia pianolla ei ole helppoa, mutta Whittall osaa asiansa. Whittallin preludeille on vaikea kuvitella osuvampaa tulkkia kuin Risto-Matti Marin, jolla on napakka kosketus, romanttinen väriaisti ja laaja kokemus pianomusiikin kulta-ajasta.

Kare Eskola, Yle, 3.11.2011 12.2.2011

What a debut it is: Whittall’s Leaves of Grass is a stunning work. One of its greatest assets is the structural and harmonic simplicity of much of the music: steeped in an easy Satiesque indolence of what are at times almost minimalist proportions, Whittall somehow fashions the material into one deeply evocative experience after another. Leaves of Grass is marvellously performed by Finnish pianist Risto-Matti Marin, a year younger than his friend Whittall, on this, his sixth solo CD. One of his most recent projects has been for Toccata, volume I of the piano transcriptions by August Stradal of all of Liszt’s Symphonic Poems. Such Lisztian virtuosity and stamina comes in handy for some of Whittall’s Preludes, but Marin is also a performer of immense subtlety, capable of the finest shadings of expression.”
